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Imej oleh Lisa Hobbs
Imej oleh Calum Lewis

Mari kita mulakan perjalanan untuk rawatan semula jadi


Sirap Batuk

Ambil kuali dan bancuh 1 cawan air dan 2 sudu besar halia, hirisan lemon parut. Biarkan adunan mengecil kepada separuh. Setelah selesai, hancurkan 7-8 biji lada segar dan masukkan ke dalam adunan. Akhir sekali masukkan 4 helai daun tulsi dan madu, tutup api dan biarkan sejuk


Berat Badan Longgar

250grm beetroot

100grm of celery

250grm lemon

Blend and strain the juice.

Drink with an empty stomach in the morning for 10 days.



 Half of beetroot

1 table spoon of raisin

1/2 liter of hot water

blend all and have 1 to 2 glass everyday for 7 days.


Perut Buncit

Boil 2 glasses of water added crunch ginger and in 2 minutes off the fire.

Add with slice of lemon, peppermint and honey.

Take this in the morning and the evening for 7 days.



1 banana peel and blend with

1 cucumber

Added both with 1 cup of hot water. Strain the water and add honey.

1 cup a day


buah pinggang

10 parsley

1 liter water boiled and added with 2 pieces of cinnamon

Boiled for half a minute and added limes before drinking.

Have it before breakfast 

Lebih banyak resipi akan ditambah dari semasa ke semasa
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